
Welcome to Braided Light. Please note that some of the stories on this site explore adult themes or contain slash. If such content offends you, or if you are under 18 (or whatever the age of consent might be in your country), it’s time to leave.

Right, you’ve been warned…


I first read the Lord of the Rings when I was 13 and the Silmarillion not long after and was hooked for life. The elves have spun tales in my head ever since, and when I wandered into the slash corner of the LotR fandom back in 2004 I finally found the incentive (and the courage) to start sharing those stories. Writing makes me happy and this is a fine sandbox to play in. Please feel free to email me if you find something here you would like to discuss or comment on – fanfiction in general is one of my most favourite things in the world.

Special thanks to Red’s muse, my archivist extraordinaire, who knew how to make the site look the way I wanted, just better. I don’t thank you often enough.
